The Family Centre

Located in Tweed Shire, we provide quality family support and relationship education services. Ph 07 5524 8711 or

The Family Centre is a community based not-for-profit organisation established in 1988. We provide a range of quality family support and relationship education services for families and individuals in the Tweed Shire, NSW, Australia.


Family Services provides support, information and education to vulnerable families. The primary focus of Family Support is to strengthen family relationships and increase the safety and wellbeing of children.

ParentSpace focuses on providing parents with information, educational experiences and practical activities that promote children’s (0-3 years) growth and development.

Family Centre Playgroups provides 4 supported playgroups per week in the Tweed Shire. Playgroups provide opportunities for parents and children to play, interact and develop social skills while parents meet and exchange ideas about child rearing and develop supportive relationships.

Men & Family Relationships provides information, referral and support to men. It also provides a range of group education programs designed around the specific needs of men and their families in our community.

Family Relationship Education provides a range of skill development based education programs aimed at enhancing family relationships.

REALskills works with students, teachers and parents to improve relationship skills within both primary and high school communities and improve links between school communities and service providers.

Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Youth Support provides information, referral, support and mentoring to ATSI young people and their families and a range of life and relationship skills programs in Tweed shire schools and community. Also, assists in the organisation of ATSI cultural and sporting events.

Youth Programs provides a range of life and relationship skills programs in Tweed Shire schools and the community designed around the specific needs of young people. Information, referral and support is provided to program participants

Non-profit organization